By The Time You Get To The Bottom Of This Page,
You'll Know How To Get Flat Abs

a Gift for you from Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, CSCS, HFS

Let me start off by saying that I'm about to share information that would literally cost thousands of dollars to learn over the course of months in-person, training with me or one of my Master Trainers. It's true.

The real reason I'm going to share this information
with you right now is two-fold:
  1. I know that anyone who reads this page will understand how to reach their ideal bodyweight, and that, in and of itself, is extremely satisfying in a world growing with obesity. I'm glad to do my part and share my knowledge.

  2. You'll understand by the time that you're finished reading that a lot of thought goes into building the ideal workout program, one that gets you 2-3x the result in just 10 minutes. In reality, you probably won't want to do all that work... especially since you see how generous I'm being. This, in turn, allows me to grow my client base and reach more people with an emergent message on how to solve obesity - proper exercise program design.

Ok, let's get started.

We are going to be covering 3 main lessons today that are sure to skyrocket your success in getting flat abs. They are:

  1. 3D Exercise
  2. Muscle Balancing
  3. Metabolism - Your Key To Losing Weight, Once.
Your Body Craves 3D Exercise - Without It,
You Don't Stand A Chance At Getting Results That Last

It's not going to just hit your abs, it's going to hit your whole body, which is going to create that 'systemic fat loss effect' that I know you're looking for.

Other people talk about unique ways to lose weight or get six pack abs, but we're talking about your body's natural path to getting super lean and being able to do anything you want. We're talking about working with your body like it does with nature.

The best way to get insanely fast six pack abs results is by training your abs from every direction - hit them with 3D exercise. ...even better, hit your whole body with 3D exercise and get a systemic fat loss effect to go with your workout.

Let's talk more about 3D exercise, for a moment, and why this is the #1 thing you can incorporate into your workouts to triple your results. I never even really meant for this to happen... I knew that people could get crazy results from an hour of this type of exercise per day, but I didn't realize the golden goose I was sitting on. It comes down to 3 reasons:

  1. People lose fat 2x faster than anything else in the world - this was actually featured in NBC and that was a year ago. Imagine what it can do for you now.
  2. 10 minutes per day and done.
  3. It only takes 10 minutes per day
    instead of the 60 you expect.
  4. It doesn't take more than 10 exercises to work your whole body from all different angles and let 3D exercise go to work for you, as opposed to when you go to a gym and have to learn 160 different exercises that barely even work any part of your body at a time, while your head is ready to explode.

Besides, most of what I teach you doesn't require much equipment at all, so you can pretty much do these workouts anywhere you go. You've always got 10 minutes for a better body, right?

So, in real life, your body has to move in a 3D way, meaning that the streets you walk on might be slanted slightly, the curb you step onto may not be even, and the objects you reach for are not always equipped with small bars to hold onto.

You might find yourself jumping over a puddle, walking around someone in a store, or bending down to pick something up that is not directly underneath you. It's your abs that save you from falling over. That's real life abs work.

So, the goal is to simulate this type of strain on our abdominal muscles while adding speed variation, intensity, multi-dimensional movement, and 'neuro' fat loss techniques.

Sound complicated?

Only to invent... but that's why I went to school and got my doctorate in this stuff - so you wouldn't have to.

Now, it's super easy and compact. Basically, you workout for 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week, with a constantly changing routine, and your system adapts, but you avoid plateau. Your 'neuro' or nervous system, is basically the electricity to your muscles. Improve the electrical signal and you'll take more away from every set. That's why it's important to always incorporate Muscle Balancing.

To learn more about 'Muscle Balancing' check out this video on NBC...

Movement in our daily lives is unstable and constantly changing. Our bodies adapt to this movement through exercise, when exercise is done right. Then, and only then, does your core start working all day every day.

By moving in all 3 planes of movement: forward/backwards, side to side, and with rotation, you are training in a functional, or less predictable way.

Keep your body guessing in the gym and you'll keep getting your results forever.

When You Want Results That Look Great,
Balance Muscles To Melt Fat & See Your Abs

It's really simple.

Your body craves 3D exercise, because it wants balance. I learned this the hard way by becoming unbalanced all over my body. I learned this so you don't have to.

Muscle-Balancing-For-Fat-Loss first occurred to me while training a female University of Miami law student. Lindsay, who had 11% bodyfat, an amazing nutrition and exercise program, and zero abs. She was really frustrated because she had been doing everything right, or so she thought...

On Day 1, I'm training her low back muscles instead of her abs. She's looking at me like I'm crazy, but I asked her to trust me for a few weeks...


Lindsay's abs pop right out. She had been shortening her abs for so long, they were losing strength and definition - a terrible combination.

...Think about it... I trained her back and her abs popped out. She was ripped inside of 3 weeks. All of the excess belly fat was either re-distributed or gone.

Once your body is balanced, your fat will naturally melt right off. Think about it, what's the purpose of fat, anyway?

To protect you and feed you.

If you're not starving and you're not banging into things all the time, there's no point in having this much fat. However, your body thinks that you're at risk for falls or joint injury when you're imbalanced, so it pads the area and keeps you fat.

Let's talk about Crash Diets. You might be losing the weight, but it comes right back.

When you starve yourself on crash diets, you ruin your metabolism and suffer the consequences for months while you watch the weight come right back. It's brutal - I've been there, and I've watched my family go through it too.

Instead, feed your body to signal you're ready for muscle growth, but feed it wisely.

Balance your body to signal to your body you're ready to get super lean and melt fat. Reposition your body for faster strength gains and your muscles will grow. When your muscles grow, you affect your muscle:fat ratio.

Your muscle:fat ratio determines your metabolism.

Accelerating your metabolism is a great way to start getting super lean or 'get away with' more dietary mistakes. Changing your muscle:fat ratio is great, but that's not all there is to it.

You see, by targeting many joints at once within a given exercise, or choosing a 'compound exercise', you are raising your 'local' metabolism at those joints. Your body has a 'local' metabolism at each joint; by raising your local metabolisms at many joints, simultaneously, you are raising your 'global' metabolism, or whole body metabolism.

The goal, naturally, becomes to include as many joints as possible into an exercise without disrupting the natural flow of movement or pairing unmatched muscles together. When we get more muscles and joints active in a given movement, we are choosing 'metabolic' protocols for more success.

Raising your metabolism is the key to your results. Think about it this way...

You can consume less calories. Every 3,500 calories = 1 Pound, which means that if you eat 500 calories less per day, you can lose 1 pound per week.


You can burn more calories every single day through raising your metabolism with Metabolic Protocols designed to help you burn more fat, faster.

When you consider that you can only go so low on calories before your body starts eating it's own muscle as food, it's an uphill battle that leads to low energy, cranky moods, and repeated disappointment.

When you pair the proper exercise program with an improved metabolism, you can easily create a 1000 calorie/day difference within the first few weeks you work out. Obviously, this is a faster way to melt stomach fat and lose weight.

Ok, so now I've given you a lesson in some of the most important aspects of training with the specific intention of losing stomach fat and getting flat abs. As a review, we talked about:

  1. Using 3D exercise to create a systemic fat loss effect. By moving your entire body through three-dimensional, or extremely dynamic exercise, you are triggering your nervous system to prepare for fat loss.
  2. Simulate Real-World Demands When You Exercise For Faster Flat Abs. Your body wants to know why you're getting stronger. Simulate things your body has to do, naturally, and your results will literally explode.
  3. Keep Your Body Guessing At Get Results Forever. Think about it this way... our bodies are amazing at adapting to different environments. It's our survival strategy. If we keep doing the same workout on a treadmill over and over again, our bodies adapt and we get a slower and slower result. Instead, build a dynamic exercise program that focuses on avoiding plateau and see results forever.
  4. Balance Muscles To Melt Fat & See Your Abs. Remember Lindsay? All she really needed was a stronger back and then her abs popped right out. This may be going on in muscles all over your body, preventing any of them from looking properly proportioned.

Lose Weight Once - Accelerate Your Metabolism.

By focusing on your metabolism, rather than the # of calories you consume, you are getting an exponentially better result. You'll burn more calories short-term, but you'll also continue to do so in the long-term, allowing you to "live life" again.

Focus On Metabolic Exercise For Better Living And Faster Results.

I remember getting started with all of this a long time ago. It was extremely overwhelming in the beginning, and while I was interested in the information, it was total information overload.

It's really not necessary to feel this way.

Sure, you can learn to implement all of this information on your own... I've given you the "true keys" to your six pack abs success....

But, if you'd like me to help you through this start to finish... No problem - we've done you a favor and designed the exact program I would've wanted, to take you by-the-hand and show you exactly what to do. I call this program Ab Strength Guide.

Ab Strength Guide is all about
Raising Your Metabolism & Melting Stomach Fat

Develop a rock-solid core, get rid of stomach fat, and burn fat at a shocking speed.

This program was designed specifically to get you 100% of the result you're looking for in just 10 minutes.

For the doubters out there, you'll see that I'm actually going to give you a month of additional full workouts, absolutely free. I thought you'd need them... but, as it turns out, that's only if you want to get really fast results. Otherwise, people have been dropping up to 1-4 pounds a week using just this 10 minutes a day.

You'll see, I've strategically stacked metabolic and neural protocols, to help your metabolism speed up and your muscles work the way you want them to, so that you don't have to guess anymore. These exercises are chosen and stacked together in a specific format that will train your nervous system to take over and put fat loss on autopilot.

You've never experienced anything like this. It works for everyone. It's the most natural thing in the world to energize your body for just 10 minutes, 5 days per week. Your body will adapt and change, as you continually shock it with a diverse and simple program.

Alright, so you can tell I'm pretty excited, right?

I'm here to help, and I realize the importance of sound nutritional habits that will last a lifetime. I've created an audio lesson + transcript that will show you why your previous diets have led to failure. Then, I'll teach you what you really need to be thinking about to stay happy, motivated, and results-oriented with your nutritional programming, not dieting.

I cannot stress enough the importance of mindset when it comes to you developing a washboard stomach. Without the proper mindset, goal realization is nearly impossible, so I've created an audio you take with you anywhere to motivate you and inspire you to create real change. As a convenience, there's also a transcript for this if you prefer to read.

In addition to the 5 super compact Ab Strength Guide video workouts, you're going to gain access to 2 Transformational Audios:

  • The Real Story With Dieting - actually, you may as well call this 'The Way To Avoid Dieting and Get Great Results'
  • Productive Resistance Training Starts In The Mind, which shows you how to develop the belief system that guarantees your success. This is very important.

Now, I've been doing this awhile... so I've seen almost any question you can think of when it comes to dropping stomach fat, toning your abs, or getting a ripped up six pack. I've gone ahead and prepared a presentation for you that addresses all those issues - it's called: The Secret Ab Formula

You're going to love it :-)

Ab Strength Guide Support Package

Just in case I haven't mentioned it yet, everything is made to stream directly onto your computer, download to your desktop, or take with you on a portable video or music device like your iPhone or iPad. A lot of people really enjoy being able to travel with these workouts. I know I do.

Just when you think you hit the jackpot, it gets way better.
Ab Strength Guide Package

After you delve through all this jam-packed six pack abs info, you're going to want to take advantage of the FREE month of workouts you're getting from my acclaimed online coaching program 'Lift Hard Play Hard.' You'll get 8 unique workouts, all linked to a video membership site, along with 12 video presentations that will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about building your own workouts or training for a specific goal.

This is really only the tip of the iceberg... there's more there than you can imagine, and I'm getting ready to make you the deal of a lifetime. Mostly, this is because I'm impressed you've invested in yourself today. By reading this far, you've proven to me that you truly care about your body, and you trust that I'm willing to do anything it takes to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Let's review - You're about to gain access to:

  • My Top 5 Abs Workouts On Video
  • The Transformational Audios (+ transcripts)
  • The Secret Ab Formula
  • One Month Elite Online Coaching (only $67/month after 30 days - cancel anytime)

The total package value here is several hundred dollars. (real value - $589)

I'm not going to charge you $589 though, because I was once in your exact position and I know how it feels.

I'm not even going to charge you $289, because that might just lead to you not taking action. I want this to be the most logical decision you've ever made.

I had considered pricing this package at $97 to make it a complete steal, but my name, Kareem, means generous, so I figured I was still able to do a bit more.

The entire Ab Strength Guide package + the 1 Month of elite online coaching has been reduced to just $69.

Ok, this is where it gets really cool. I love it when people back what they own. It shows me that I can trust them. So, here's what I'm going to do for you:

  • You'll automatically receive your month's access to your elite online coaching, even if you ask for a refund on Ab Strength Guide. Cancel anytime with just an email.
  • Your investment is guaranteed for 60 days, which is way longer than it will take you to see some crazy results.
  • If you decide for some reason that you want a refund, in addition to getting your money back, I'll let you choose access to any one of my other programs, absolutely free of charge. This includes my rehab, fat loss, posture, muscle building, golf, and abs products. You can choose any one of them, my treat.

...and because I'm really excited to get you started, I'm also going to throw in 2 more HUGE bonuses!

Abs For Backs
- This 40 page manual is pure gold when it comes to building rock-solid abs designed to support and protect your back. It's zero-fluff, includes custom pics of all exercises, and totally rocks. It's yours FREE.

Weight Loss Cardio - this is like the Bible on cardio. It's absolutely insane. I cover everything there is to know about cardio, from properly cycling through different goals for your cardio workouts to reducing your cholesterol, blood pressure, or even quitting smoking. Cardio can also be a great way to reduce stress and eliminate other health concerns, but the only problem with it is that it's so darn boring.

That's why I've designed 'new cardio,' in the 5 exercise videos you'll get. I'll teach you a ton of variety and exactly how to get the most from any session you do.

This is also yours, FREE, today.

Believe me, if you get even half the results my other clients are getting, you won't be sorry. Go ahead and click 'Add To Cart' below and I'll get you started right away. Sound fair enough?

Alright, so you seem interested, but you still may not be clear as to what 3D Metabolic Exercise is & Why It Works So Fast?

Before you fully understand what 3D Metabolic Exercise is, let's just take a peek at the problem that this program was designed to solve:

Most workout programs either take too long to do, require a gym membership, or recommend unrealistic diet expectations to help you get six pack abs. By definition, if you can't follow something, it can't work.

3D Exercise is basically the fastest way to lose fat and build six pack abs. By working your body in real-life ways, in all directions at once, you are simulating the same demands that take place in daily living, but with greater resistance and intensity. This allows the carryover effect from exercise to be that much greater.

Metabolic exercise is a strategic balance between your three energy systems in your body. You have your ATP-PC energy system, Anaerobic energy system, and Aerobic energy system. When you work all three for a specific amount of time/workout, and you work them in a specific sequence, you get much better results.

Finally, we combine 3D movement and our metabolic protocols with 'Neuro Fat Loss' techniques. Basically, we reposition your body for better alignment of your joints and muscles. In turn, your posture improves, but so does your strength. With a better
muscle strength to length ratio, your body moves more fluidly and accepts muscle growth more readily.

A lot of people ask me if they can do these workouts at home and if so, how much equipment is required?

These workouts can absolutely be done at home. That's where I do them... or when I'm traveling, in a hotel room or hotel gym. There are a few pieces of equipment I use in the videos, but I also provide you with household equipment suggestions if you're working out in your home and need some advice there.

I have clients who do just the bodyweight version of every exercise and they get GREAT results. I find that I do this if I'm in a hotel room and don't have a great place to exercise. It's my ten minute back up plan when I'm in a pinch, because it consistently gets me some of the best results out of anything I do, no matter how long.

If you don't have a lot of time, I totally get it. I've been there too.

Each workout is 10 minutes. There are 5, meaning that you will exercise 5 days/week for 10 minutes/workout. That's a total of 50 minutes of workouts per week. Less than one hour!

If you decide you have more time or you're looking for additional workout ideas, that's where your month of elite online coaching kicks in. If you don't think you need this b/ c you want to keep all of your workouts super short, just send me an email and we'll cancel it right away.

As you might imagine, as a doctor of physical therapy, I have clients of all ages contact me. Many of them often tell me they're not in their 20's or 30's anymore, and they're curious to know if these workouts will work for someone considerably older?

I always chuckle a bit here... They sure will. Age alone isn't a reason not to do this program, but it's always wise to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program if you have any conditions that would warrant his/her approval or if this is your first time exercising.

For your information (chuckle), my current oldest client in Ab Strength Guide is an 84 year old woman. My youngest is an 8 year old boy, who does bodyweight only. It doesn't matter - they're both getting great results.

So, you might be wondering if these workouts are more for beginners or experienced exercisers...

Now, that's the really cool aspect of Ab Strength Guide. In the beginning, just learn the movements and how to 'feel' an exercise in the right place. This, alone, will produce an outstanding result if you're just starting out. Your body will naturally balance out, and fat will shed right off.

As you become more experienced, or if that's where you are right now, your intensity increases, and the results do as well. At 7.5% bodyfat, I still use these workouts on a regular basis, b/c I can depend on them to get me insane results every time.

Shifting focus, there's something really cool
I'd like to share with you:

In addition to getting you six pack abs, these workouts were designed to reduce joint pain if you have any.*

*It's always a good idea to check with your doctor or physical therapist before trying something that puts you at any risk whatsoever.

I used these exact workouts in my own personal transformation.

I used to have extremely severe pain in most joints of my body before losing weight and getting in great shape. I don't have great genes, but I'm a big believer in taking advantage of your body's full potential. Ab Strength Guide will help you do that.

Now, if you're a woman, you might be wondering if these workouts can be used by you too?

Oh yeah. I love working with both men and women, and these workouts are proven to work with both genders. As you can see right here, this is a video of Adina Petersmeyer, one of my fat loss clients, on NBC with me. She came to me to avoid a tummy tuck and get a flat stomach, but they had her on there for her arms. Awesome, huh?

Am I going to have trouble getting a hold of someone if I have questions?

Not a chance. You are our highest priority. I personally answer any of your workout questions, and I have a system in place to provide you with 5 Star Customer Service.

In fact, we've got 2 full-time assistants who check email all day long. We'll always get back to you, no matter how much we get slammed. That's our policy.

What if it doesn't work for me?

Your investment is guaranteed for 60 days, no questions asked. I'm here to help you have the best exercise experience of your life. If it's anything less, I really don't want your money. Your health needs to be about having a positive experience, over and over again. That's what'll really give you long-term health benefits: the desire to go back and do it again.

Plus, you'll get to keep your month of elite online coaching, free of charge, and you'll also have a choice of which other program you'd like to take with your refund.

The ball's in your court, my friend. It's time to make a decision, but I'm confidant I can help you reach your goals. Trust me, if you get even a small percentage of the benefit so many of my other clients have, you won't regret it. Sound fair enough?

Go ahead click add to cart. You'll be taken to a secure signup and payment page, where we'll get you started right away.

Ok, you got me wondering...

Do you realize that you're about to save 32% on my most popular workout program?

This price may never be available again, so it's worth taking advantage now and clicking add to cart. You've read this far.

You're obviously interested in getting in great shape and flattening out your stomach.

I'd like to help you out, but I can really only go so far. It's your turn. The last thing I want to do is pressure you into investing in anything you'll regret, but I can promise you that this is not anything you'll ever regret. Remember, I created this to be the package I wish I would've had when I was in your position.

It's step-by-step guide to six pack abs.

So, if you're really interested in getting results, is 10 minutes/day too much to ask?

You know... a lot of people say to me "Hey Doc - you keep in great shape. You must spend forever working out. How do you do it?"

The answer is the same every time:

No matter what you decide here, I'd love for you to walk away with some information that you can implement immediately and see great change. Think about it this way:

If you get your whole body involved in an exercise, move in every direction, and train at different speeds, you will be light-years in front of everyone else you see working out in the gym.

As proof, I'd love to introduce you a long-time client of mine, Marty Millner, who just turned 60 and is loving his life.

Well, from the entire Samhouri family, we bid you a-do. There are all kinds of great exercises out there. The important thing is that you get up and move.

That said, if you really want lightening-fast results and to melt fat right off your abs, it's probably a good idea for you to take advantage of this now and grab Ab Strength Guide while it's still 32% OFF.

Believe me, if your body changes half as rapidly as my other clients, you won't be sorry. You ready to do this?

Click add to cart. Let's get started.

This program is a digital membership. Nothing will be mailed to you,
and you can access it from anywhere in the world.

Your credit card will show a charge from Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri Fitness LLC